Discretion. Insight. Timeliness. Quality. Impera is a client-focused human and cyber intelligence advisory firm. We provide high-value insights into clients' risk profile and threat-mitigation solutions.

We watch your back so you can look forward.

Impera is your single source for anticipating and managing risk across a variety of industries and sectors. We do this by leveraging a network of human intelligence and cybersecurity sources that spans the globe.


Predictive Analytics

We are always looking around the corner to anticipate and mitigate your risk. By employing sophisticated methodologies and algorithms that analyze public and non-public information, our clients get ahead of potential problems before they occur. Through extensive data mining, Impera's clients across several industries have benefited from customized models that identify indicators of security risk, market volatility, and major sociopolitical events.

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Corporate Due Diligence

We can validate and vet your investments, partnerships, and security environments—both in the United States and abroad. Whether you are seeking to expand operations overseas, managing a complex legal negotiation, or contemplating new equity investments, Impera's global intelligence capabilities and reach are invaluable in lowering your exposure and that of your own clients. We are committed to ensuring that your interests are safeguarded. 


Threat Solutions

Our subject-matter experts can produce tailored analytic products that address your most pressing—and future—financial, security, and political risks. We employ only the most rigorous intelligence-based tradecraft and insight to provide actionable solutions for your enterprise. Leveraging both public and non-public information, Impera's CIA-trained analysts and cybersecurity experts give you the "so-what" of emerging threats, trends, and events that are most relevant to your bottom line.  

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How can we help? Let's say you are...


...A major sports enterprise with global reach.

You have dozens of tournaments and events every year in the United States and abroad. The physical security and protection of attendees and players remain highly significant, although new threats such as drones and cyber intrusions—against your event or high-profile players—are also important. Impera can bring its global intelligence capabilities to bear in monitoring social media and extremist chatrooms for any mention of your event. Its global connections and search capabilities can also help vet and validate any new sponsors or partnerships. Finally, whether it be personal security umbrellas, lowering a VIP’s footprint overseas, or replacing a stolen passport, Impera’s professionals can quietly resolve any issue while mitigating reputational risk to a player or your organization.

...A multi-billion dollar private-equity firm contemplating a major investment in a start-up.

You have professionals that can do surface-level due diligence on financials and executive management. Impera can do deeper, more thorough searches on the company’s executives, including criminal history and known associates, as well as its ability to safeguard—from a physical and cyber standpoint—any assets or intellectual property. This vital intelligence will arm you with a better decision-making framework, lowering your investment exposure and reputational risk.

...The parent company of a hospital network spanning several jurisdictions.

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the integration of multiple devices to provide efficient and effective care has lowered your costs but also expanded your cyber-attack surface. Malicious cyber actors now have thousands of potential vectors to access your network. Impera can help you navigate the growing field of IoT, offering technological solutions and employee training that mitigates your cyber risk.

...A growing tech firm with a daily intake of billions of pieces of data.

You currently store this data in-house but because of cost, overhead, and expertise in collating the information, you are looking to outsource these capabilities with a requirement for security. Impera’s experts can identify solutions for data storage and analysis—and at the same time, provide security layers around the information, making it easily and securely accessible to your own clients and end users.


...A Fortune 100 company whose executives travel extensively to Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

You have a team of analysts providing written products on country-specific threats, but you also need on-the-ground awareness and contacts to assess the physical security of your principals when they travel. Impera can offer enhanced risk mitigation through a global network of local confidential sources, bringing you and your company’s executives greater peace of mind overseas.

...A government counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and crisis management office with limited personnel and resources.

Working within your budget, Impera can build you intelligence programs in these areas while providing employee training on mastering content and substance. Impera’s experts will also offer continual monitoring of your specific threat environment and deliver insightful and timely products that your principals need.

...A higher-ed institution with thousands of personally identifiable information records, as well as intellectual property.

In the last year, you have been the victim of multiple denial-of-service and phishing attacks. Impera can assist your IT professionals in navigating an evolving cyber-threat landscape with real-time intelligence and training that augments your security posture. Moreover, given recent lone-attacks on campuses across the globe, your police force needs training on how best to protect large public-gathering areas, which Impera’s experts can deliver.

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